established 1985
Benefiting from over 30 years’ practical skills training experience, this Online Diploma in Google Ads course features:
Google Ads and Online Advertising: The Basics
Where did it all begin? Google Ads essentials: Why use Google Ads?; Google Ads Basic terminology; Getting started with Google Ads; The Google world and Ads; The difference between Sponsored Listings and Organic Listings; The Pay-Per-Click revolution; Google Ads and Direct Marketing;
Benefits of Ads: Relevance; Return on investment (ROI) and Reach; Targeting the right audiences; Keywords and placements; The power of positioning with Ad Rank; Paying for results only; Discount features; Avoiding speculation;
Features of Ads: Variety and advert formats; Accessibility via Search and Content Networks; Ad performance and monitoring; Quality Score and Click-Through Rate (CTR); Report Centre; Conversion tracking;
Different editions: Starter versus Standard; Opening a new Google Ads account; Google Ads: Organizing and Managing the Account; The Google Ads Campaign Management Tab;
The Online Marketplace; Online Profitability Predictions; Online Marketing Trends; Positioning an Online Business Strategically; Building a Google Ads Campaign from scratch; Setting up Your Google Ads Campaign for Success; Common Mistakes to avoid when Setting up Google Ads Campaigns;
Understanding Keywords; Match types: The three Google Ads Positive Keyword Formats: Broad; Exact and Phrase Match Keywords; The Google Ads tools at your disposal: The Google Keyword Tool; Other tools; Organizing Google Ads Keywords: How to create Excellent Google Ads Keyword Lists; Identifying Keyword Phrases; Adding and Editing Keywords; Google Ads Negative Keywords; Creating Google Ads Ad Groups for Products and Services; Selecting Keywords and Placing them in the Relevant Group;
What difference does it make?; The Power of Advert Positioning; Google’s Text-Ad Guidelines; Language matters; Copyright and Competition; Links and Offers; Developing Google Ads Variations; Google Ads Ad Workshop; Split Testing Adverts against each other; Google Ads Secrets to make ads work; Google Ads Click Through Rates (CTR); Writing ads to increase CTRs
Optimising business performance; Settings and placements; Advertising on the Google Content Network; Advertising on YouTube; Competitive research: researching bid prices; Setting bid prices: Ongoing Management; Setting Bidding Strategies; Optimum Return On Investment (ROI); Budget overview; Ads billing and payments; Planning and structuring campaigns; Choosing the advert style and communicating value; The importance of Setting up and Implementing Campaigns and Ad Groups correctly: strategy; Keyword management ; Using the right tools; Optimiser Tools; Ads Performance Tools; Website Optimiser; Refining using the Ads Editor;
Overview of performance monitoring and conversion tracking: How to set up conversion tracking; Advanced conversion tracking; Creating and customizing reports;
Overview of Google Analytics; Creating and configuring an Analytics account: Getting started; Tracking code; Configuring Analytics; E-commerce essentials; Goals; Funnels and Filters explained; Making sense of the data: Viewing your data; Data integrity; Google Analytics Reporting: Report types; Google Analytics tools and services: Benchmarking Service; Website Optimiser; Optimising revenue potential with Google Analytics: Traffic; conversions and ROI; Revenue-driving keywords and your campaigns; Optimising landing page effectiveness and site interest; Referral sites; Getting the most out of advertising your product; Optimising marketing initiatives; Regional marketing; Evaluating changes to your website; Navigation summary and Funnel visualization;
The essentials of conducting Split Testing; Split Testing strategies; Split Testing tools;
Understanding optimisation; Deciding what to test; Campaigns and Ad Groups optimizing; Optimising for greater conversions; Improving landing page quality; Measuring and improving performance using Google Ads reporting;
How to manage hundreds of Ads accounts from a single location; My Client Centre (MCC); The Ads Application Programming Interface (API)
AdSense essentials; Basic terminology; Getting started; The potential of AdSense; Money matters;
Google Policy Guidelines; Getting started; Creating the first adverts; AdSense payments; How to set it up; Adding sites to an account; Understanding revenues;
Understanding content; The audience; Building blocks; Design and creative essentials; Optimising content; Google’s Webmaster Guidelines; Automating content management ; Copyright and permissions;
Copy and colour: what to focus on; URLs; Multiple adverts; The pros and cons: Knowing when enough is enough; Variations and techniques;
Revenue searches; Customizing your search; The search box;
Video: The different products available: Click-to-Play Capabilities; video units and AdSense for Video; Google Gadgets; Mobile; AdSense for Mobile: the basics: Content for mobile requirements; Earning potential; RSS: RSS explained; How to set up AdSense for Feeds; Earning potential; Referral Program: Understanding the Referral Units; How to choose and add referrals to a site; Promoting adverts; Earning potential; AdSense a Blog: The Blog world; How to add AdSense to a Blog;
Server Logs and AWStats; Google Analytics; Understanding AdSense Channels;
Report types: Templates; Quick Reports; Custom Reports; Advanced Reports; Automatic Reports; The Report Manager; Organizing your account;
Doing Business on the Internet; The Benefits of Digital Marketing; Online Marketing Planning; Key Concepts; Business models on the Internet; Online Market Research
Analysing the Web; An Overview of Google Analysitcs;
Website Promotion; Online Promotion Techniques; Web 2;0; Services and Applications; Email Marketing; Online Advertising;
How People Search the Internet; How Search Engines Work;
What is SEO? What are Keywords? On Page SEO; Off Page SEO; Link Building Methods; SEO Analysis; Using Google Efficiently; Website SEO Strategy Analysis;
Factors Affecting Search Engine Optimisation; Content Management Systems; Building an SEO Friendly Site; Webmaster Tools;
Managing Keywords; Managing Keywords using Google AdSense;
Optimising your site for Search Engines;
Writing for the Web; How to Write for the Web; Page Titles; Email Subjects; Inverted Pyramid Structure; Blogging;
What is HTML? Why HTML is important;
What is CSS?; How does CSS work?; The three types of Cascading Style Sheets – In-Line CSS; Internal CSS and External CSS; Examples of formatting using CSS; Linking a web page to an external CSS page; Formatting the page with CSS; Font and Text formatting; Working with Links;
Internet influence on News; Internet Journalists; Economics of Online News Production; Internet Critics and other influences; the PR Practitioner as an Online Publisher; Ethical Internet PR; Truthfulness and Duty of Care; Online Ethics; Debate; Guidelines and Best Practice; Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Media Discourse; Trends and Value; Policy Influences; corporate speak; Implications of Social Media for Corporate Social Responsibility; Local versus Global Communication; Landscaping Platforms; Channels and context; Online PR Organisational Analysis and Segmentation; Developing Online PR Strategies; Online PR Tactics and SEO considerations; Online PR Planning; Managing Online PR Risk and Opportunities; Blogs; Microblogs; Chatrooms; Delicious; Email; Flickr; Twitter; Instant messaging; Message Boards; Mobile Internet ; New Media Releases; Online Conferencing; Online Surveys; Pay per click; Podcasts; RSS; Search Engines; SEO; Social Networking Service Sites; Video Sharing; Virtual worlds; VoIP; Wiki and Widgets; Commercial Implications of the Internet; Social Interaction with the Internet; Web 2;0 and its Implications; Internet Convergence; the Network Effect; Internet Information Exchange; Internet Audience Size and Exposure; Internet Culture and Communication; Transparency and the Internet;
The Business Plan; Legalities; Setting up Your own Consultancy; Marketing Strategy; Knowing your competitors; Promotional Methods; Marketing your own Consultancy;
Preparation and Research; Speech Content; Subject Matter and Objectives; Speech Delivery and Variety; Body Language; Eye Contact; Presentation Aids; Management of Locations and Audiences; Presentation Structure;
On successful completion of this course you will receive a Professional Diploma qualification that is certified and awarded by the ICM (Institute of Commercial Management).
The Institute of Commercial Management was founded in 1979 and is one of the leading Professional Examination and Certification Bodies in the world today. Fitzwilliam Institute have developed and provided practical skills training courses in liaison with the Institute of Commercial Management qualifications and certifications framework for over 25 years. The Institute of Commercial Management certifications and continual professional development training awards are recognised by leading industries, bodies and professions.
Duration: You will have full access to online resources and subject expert support for one calendar year. However, you can complete the course in as little as 4 - 6 months, by dedicating 6-8 hours of study per week.
Course Fees: 995.00 EUR
To secure your place on the course the full fee is required. All fees must be paid in full before the course begins. Please note, the full course fees are inclusive of all course materials and certification costs.
Enrolment intake is strictly limited on this course. Early application is advised. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.
Fitzwilliam Institute closes on Bank Holidays and for a number of days at Christmas and New Year. Fitzwilliam Institute reserves the right to postpone, cancel or alter courses without notice or to change any of the details in this brochure. Fees are not refundable unless the course is cancelled by Fitzwilliam Institute. Distance Learning courses are provided by Fitzwilliam Institute BGLS Ltd.
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